Untitled Poem by Brandon Cler | Rowell Family Empowerment

Untitled Poem by Brandon Cler

Untitled Poem by Brandon Cler

To whom it may concern, I’m not stupid, lazy or dumb.
just take the extra time to show me how it’s done.

To whom it may concern I’ll always try my best,
just keep this in mind the next time you compare me to the rest.

To whom it may concern please don’t compare me to others.
Each one of us learns differently so says my mother.

To whom it may concern you may not think I fit in
that really stinks for you cause I could be a good friend.

To whom it may concern I really love to play sports
but when everyone yells mean words to me it really kinda hurts.

To whom it may concern I’ve written you this note
so the next time you see me you won’t think I’m just a joke.

To whom it may concern I just want to make you proud
so the next time I do something good you’ll scream for me really loud.

To whom it may concern I really don’t like my school
the only reason why I go is my teachers really cool.

To whom it may concern please don’t send my class away
it’s hard enough in my life each and everyday.

To whom it may concern some say my teacher doesn’t fit in
she’s only trying to stand up for me I really hope she wins.

To whom it may concern I’m sorry I seem mad
Its just really hard for me to try and understand.

To whom it may concern what’s so hard to understand?
Its just so hard these days trying to become a man.


Brandon Cler, age 12
Brandon enjoys baseball and camping… and more baseball.
Auditory Processing Disorder does not define him.

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